Push to fast-track uranium mines no answer to climate crisis

The uranium mining industry are advocating to weaken Australia’s environmental approval process.

But the push to soften environmental approvals is no answer to the climate crisis.

Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at RMIT, Dr Gavin Mudd – argues why we must stop the push to fast-track uranium mines. See below for an Interview with Dr Gavin Mudd.

Uranium is a unique element with immense potential for misuse – as seen with rogue nuclear states like North Korea.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison states that BHP’s Olympic Dam uranium mine expansion will be fast-tracked for environmental approval.

Currently, any new uranium mine requires both state and federal government environmental approvals.

The Minerals Council of Australia wants to change this. They argue that uranium’s special risks are redundant and that environmental risks are adequately addressed in state processes. They want to remove the State government approval process.

Gavin Mudd argues that Federal oversight of uranium mining must remain. He says uranium mining, and nuclear power is not a solution for the climate crisis.

Read Dr Mudd’s article in the Conservation: “Expensive, dirty and dangerous: why we must fight the push to fast-track uranium mines”.

Listen to his chat with RTRFM’s Perth Indymedia Radio Show on why uranium mining approval remain a federal issue and the dangers of Nuclear Energy.

Perth Indymedia on RTRFM spoke with Dr Gavin Mudd – Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at RMIT University