Fukushima 10 years on – there is much to reflect on. It was 10 years ago that the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami tore through the country and led to the nuclear disaster that continues to unfold at the Fukuhsima Daiichi reactors. In this post we’ve compiled some events and articles. We will update this post with more – so please check back.

Reflecting and continuing to bear witness to what is happening in Fukushima is an important reminder about why Australia should not go down the nuclear path, why nuclear power cannot solve the climate crisis.


Send a message to Ambassador: don’t dump contaminated water into the pacific. The Australian Conservation Foundation is calling on people to send a message to the Ambassador of Japan in Australia a message calling on the Japanese government not to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi reactors into the Pacific Ocean.


Australian uranium fuelled Fukushima, by Jim Green and David Noonan, The Ecologist.

Australia is deeply connected to the Fukushima nuclear accident. by Yumi Oba, SBS.

The Fukushima Disaster in maps and charts by Alia Chughtai, Al Jazeera.

How the 2011 tsunami destroyed Japan’s trust in nuclear power by Michael Penn, Al Jazeera.

It’s time to clean up not start up! by Kerri Ann Garlick, Fremantle Herald

Ten years on from Fukushima, nuclear power continues to struggle with deeper problems by Ketan Joshi. Ten years on from Fukushima, the problem with new nuclear remains economic: it costs too much to build.

10 years after Fukushima: Are Japanese nuclear power plants safe? by Jun Tateno, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

A Fukushima lesson: Victim compensation schemes need updating by Hirokazu Miyazaki, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Fukushima today: “I’m glad that I realized my mistake before I died.” by Thomas A. Bass Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

A decade after Fukushima nuclear disaster, contaminated water symbolizes Japan’s struggles, by Simon Denyer – Washington Post.

Legacy of the Fukushima nuclear disaster by Tatsujiro Suzuki, Nagasaki University. East Asia Forum.

Fukushima 10 years on an overview. Peace Boat.

To secure a green future, Japan must reckon with its nuclear past – by Tsuyoshi Inajima, Stephen Stapczynski, and Shoko Oda, the Japan Times and Bloomberg Green

Fukushima Mieruka video Project – Voices of the People. Friends of the Earth Japan.

Japan Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, information on Fukushima.

Friends of the Earth Australia’s information sheet on the Fukushima disaster.


Global Conference for a Nuclear Free, Renewable Energy Future: 10 Years Since Fukushima: Thursday 11th March 2021. 20210311.genjiren.com/en/
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